Creative 'self' destruction

Selections part1 from N°1- 50

Creative 'self' destruction
Creative 'Self' Destruction is self-portraiture, using embroidery, gold leaf, color & lifts, to destroy Yukimi itself and reimagine her own image. All original works are individually numbered and named. Up to today the collection counts 120 unique self-portraits. This is the selections Part1 of the Creative Self Destruction from N°1-50
- PART1 N°1-50 / Date : Apr 2019 -/ Type : Simple
- PATR2 N°50-100 / Date : Jun 2019 - / Type : Simple
- PART3 N°101- 141/ Date : Oct 2019 - Feb 2021 / Type : Complex

"Concentrating on myself helps me to rebuild who I am.  I had lost all interest in the world, other people, life and what I once loved due to the illness.  In addition, I could no longer believe in anything - not even love, kindness, trust or hope, that is, everything that is essential for our life. I had to get back what I had lost in my life or build something new and stronger again." from the interview by kwerfeldein
N°1 | a full moon attack

N°8 | "You’ve got a taboo" - from Japan

N°15 | It’s only a Polaroid moon ☪︎

N°17 | 🅢pring 🅟ublic 🅜asturbation

N°2 | World distortion

N°3 | Cells

N°20 | The Ugly Crow

N°11 | Symbol

N°26 | Useless Wings

N°40 | A romance with unicorn

N°12 | God bless you

N°14 | Aura

N°18 | You ate my heart

N°19 | You stole my shadow

N°16 | Courtship

N°13 | My dear Wolf

N°34 | Shinto

N°36 | You Are My Nightmare

N°49 | Psycho Red

N°48 | Nude Pink Garden

N°22 | Doppelgänger

N°41 | Midnight Ballerina

N°50 | Reeves’ Spirea - Kodemari

N°47 | The Whisper of Prussian Blue


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